Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just....let it happen.

Erin and I opened a sister store to SlinkyCalhoun a few weeks ago-- where we're selling only Twin Peaks-themed items! The Great Northern was recently featured in the sweeeeeeet indie craft blog Extreme Craft. Here's the post. I can't resist the title.....this guy's as nerdy as we are.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Make a LOLcat!

My mom sent me this picture of the ever-adorable Slinky. It needs a LOLcaption. LOLcat-tion? DO IT.

Electric Crazy

Apparently the facilities manager for the Schenec School District is batshit insane and since being arrested on the 20th of February, has been shuttled around from jail to jail. He's nuts. They found this memo that he wrote to a newly-hired employee, and it is amazing. I hope this is big enough to read and enjoy.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Erin and I got tired of looking at our old store, so we made a new one, selling only Twin Peaks-themed stuff. Check it out! (After all...the owls are not what they seem.)
