Friday, November 9, 2007

Walk this way!

So, a few different things of interest this morning. I'm writing to you from a cushy (knock wood) receptionist job somewhere on Sixth Avenue. There's a big impressive fountain in the plaza out front, and the building is a bajillion stories high....but I'm on the fourth floor and consuquently it looks like eternal evening in here. Thanks, skyscrapers. (This is not necessarily one of the items of interest. There are as follows....)
1) YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN GETS SLAMMED! Okay, not slammed,'s far, far from a rave in the NY Times. I don't know why, and I didn't even realize this until I read the review last night, but I sort of *wanted* this show to not be good. I mean, I did. The ticket price thing, the fact that I love the movie SO much and think it is perfect, the fact that I really like Mel Brooks but think maybe this movie-to-musical thing has gone on long enough... All of that. Plus, I hate Megan Mullally. Come on. Here are some highlights from the NY Times...starting with the headline:
"Who Put the Trance in Transylvania?"
Bahhhhhhhhhhhh! Ok. Also:
"It also surely has...the largest percentage of gags per scene. Some of those gags, many of which are lifted from the movie, are pretty funny. (O.K., let's be honest: I laughed exactly three times.) There are some enjoyable musical routines. (All right, my count is 2 out of nearly 20.)"
Damn, Ben Brantley. You know how to wound.
Here, from the post, is a seriously stupid sentence:
"It also has a great comic lead in Roger Bart as that virginal Dr. Fronkensteen being transported to the dark side of the moon."
"Great"? We're talking about a guy who is playing a part the TRULY great Gene Wilder originated. Let's not get overly-lovey, please. And virginal? And that spelling? I just don't get it.
Whooo....I was on a major roll of pretension there, but I checked myself before it could get truly bone-crushing. Next time, I'll just let it go.
Also, this: "Well, I understand from the press release that "$25 orchestra seats will be available at most performances." At that price the show would be a bargain, even if the seats are in the orchestra pit. You would even have money left over for a soda during intermission." Really? I mean...I'll go for $25 bucks.
2) So, last week, I worked at an ad agency. One of the guys that also worked there (real job, though, unlike me) is the writer and producer of a cool internet show called The 'Burg, which pokes fun at those loveable hipsters residing neighborhood. Check it out: If you like dogs, watch the 2nd ep, "myspace." There is a funny funny gag involving a pug.
3) I'm currently stage managing a show! I am a very bad stage manager, take no initiative, and mostly spend my time eating while being on book, which is always a recipe for disaster. It's actually two different shows that go in rep- each show being made of two pieces. One evening is called Circle (it's in the round), and the other is Square (you can guess), and it's a mix of new short plays and collaboratively-created pieces. The people are nice and it's good to be doing something, even if I am a zombie most of the time. On the off chance that a) anyone is reading this mess, and b) said theoretical person should want to come see the show, go to and search for "mud as man" and it should come up. Or just ask me about it.
Sayonara for now.

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