Monday, December 10, 2007

Seeking out the taciturn.

Excuse me while I tune in the shine of the light-night dial.

Ah, that's better.

So, yesterday was my birthday. I turned twenty-two. It doesn't feel much different than twenty-one....but of course I say that every year. I went out last night to Jimmy's Corner, accompanied by Erin, Jimmy, Mikey, Jess, Andy, Josh and Katy. We had some beers and had a fine time, despite the dismal weather and my waning spirits. The birthday festivities had sort of been going on all weekend- and though I love to party, I was feeling some sort of weird pressure (self-imposed, of course) to have THE MOST FUN EVER and, uh, it was getting me down. Life is hard. Anyway, Rinnz knitted me a great scarf, and Jess and Mikey brought me some imported candy, which will be necessary to get me through the weeks until Christmas.

I got a job at La MaMa today, working in the box office. I start Thursday. It seems that if I can figure out the schedule and all the difficulties related to the schedule, that it'll be a pretty easy and possibly fun and beneficial job. Everyone was really nice today. Seems good.

Tomorrow and the next day, I'm going to be a crunch-time slave for "Kiki Baby," the workshop of a new show by Lonny Price that friends Matt and Isaac are working on. I'll be the John Frattalone, the Kim runs, etc. But I'll get to be in a rehearsal room with Lonny Price! Veanne Cox! Malcolm Gets! etc etc etc.

Alright. Back to work.

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