Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nobody wants a monster for a Valentine. Or, Shenanigans, con't.

Blogs are sort of stupid, in general, but this one really sets new levels. Yes! I'm a trailblazer!

Whatever. There's more that needed to be reported.

I neglected to mention a few supporters, and any good politician knows that's a bad idea. Katy and Jess were there on the first night, which was Valentine's Day, so that says something! (And NOT that they're lonely. On the contrary.) Though who It should be noted, for posterity, and because Jess will, I think, get a kick out of it, that Andy didn't come to the show last night because he was drinking absinthe with his roommate, in their apartment.




We all went out after the show last night, which was really great. There was a little but not really enough, catching up with Emily, who goes back to Boston tonight. Man, I miss those Boston people. I keep thinking "May, Boston, friends, Esplanade, BPL, Anna's, ERC (I will be there every goddamn day), etc." and it's getting me through the cold nights in my frigid apt. It'll be nice.

I have 3 episodes of Carnivale left and I'm actually feeling a little relieved. No, no one told me I had to watch them in such a marathon fashion, but how else was I gonna do it? Immersion, baby! At any rate, I'm relieved because it's actually unrelentingly scary/creepy/unpleasant/stressful and it's wearing on me a bit. I mean, how many times can I watch Brother Justin's eyes go completely black while he does demonic things? And how many times can I say "Clea DuVall is so hot" before I lose it? Only time will tell. (Man, I love cliches. I really do.)

Oh! The other exciting thing is that the female half of the psychotic and abusive couple that lives below us is MOVING OUT! Aldo and I saw them moving her stuff out yesterday. She hasn't been around since the COPS GOT CALLED last week, so who knows. Thank god. I don't know if he'll stay or go. But thank god.

Today? Work.


Jesse said...

Oh man, I'm glad I didn't do the obsessive freaky blog reader thing and post on the last post asking where my name was :-p

And...absinthe. Huh. Mmmmkay...maybe he needed it to wipe out the memory of the Valentine's Day dance? I haven't heard anything about that yet...

Jesse said...

(uhh...ok, so, this is still Jess, only since I reclaimed my old blogger accounts, it has reverted to my "androgynous" internet name circa 1999.)

Anna said...

The only detail I heard was that a few ladies may have asked the only teacher from dance. HOT!