Saturday, March 29, 2008

seven of cups.

I'm not going to stifle this urge to ruthlessly self-promote; it occurs so infrequently in my life, and I could really use it more. So-- keep checking out Slinky Calhoun! Erin and I have been adding new stuff almost every day.

I finished shooting "9 Times," the internet-interactive-murder mystery-noir-choose your own adventure-crazy thing I was doing at Nola Pictures with Matt, Chris, and Greg. In the second day of shooting, I got to shoot someone, take my shirt off, and be dead on the floor in two different scenes. Hi, ho! The glamorous life. Really, it was fun and I'll be excited to see what eventually comes out of it-- I have no idea what it could be.

Diane Lane came into work the other day. She's really hot.

Yesterday, I went to Fort Greene to see Nitz. We RAN INTO Craig as we were eating breakfast-- he said, nonchalantly, "Well, I LIVE in New York now." (Follow his example.) Then I did a brief, unpaid stint as her unofficial personal assistant, helping her get through a list of errands that needed to be done before work. We met up with Katy and acted like MORONS in Washington Square Park, which was....wonderful. A guy made his dog do tricks for us. And then he stuck his tongue in its mouth. I am not exaggerating.

Day before I took a really nice walk over the Williamsburg Bridge in the morning. (The company was lousy, but hey, you can't have everything.) This took me to Pearl Craft to purchase a GLUE GUN. My life is now better. (On the way, however, I saw a bunch of posters for the Mark David Chapman/Jared Leto is fat movie. I AM HORRIFIED. I had sort of forgotten about it. Well, mostly, I'd forgotten about how Jared Leto drank microwaved pints of ice cream to prepare for the movie and gain the weight. COME ON, JARED LETO.)

And before that? I went out for a nice night with Molly at a yuppie beer bar by her apartment. She said "This is like our corner bar. So I come in here in sweatpants and then I look around..." It was great to see her, to see her place, and to venture above 14th Street for once in my little life. The night before THAT, I went out in Wburg with my neighbor Matt Raibert. We met some of his friends for free beer at The Lazy Catfish. The lovely Lauren and her friend joined us, the fesitivies shifted to include free pizza at Alligator, and I went to bed later and drunker than I have in a while. (Which isn't saying that much, really. I'm losing my EDGE, guys.)


Ah! And. Our eternal houseguest, Ethan, fixed our shower. It is like a normal shower in anyone else's apartment now. I can't believe it. It's amazing. However....That being said-- I sometimes find it hard living with people. And two roommates in this tiny apartment? I am not-so-slowly losing my grip. Something's gotta change. Even if the shower IS getting fixed and giant pots of vegetable soup are getting made and the morale is higher than usual.

Other than that, I am working all the time. And spending my money on frivolous things like clothes and candy. I never used to buy things! And now I do. I guess that's fine. I can do whatever I want.

That being said, the icy grip of anxiety is creeping around me a bit about my month in Boston. It's rapidly approaching! I'm worried about 1) throwing a lot of money essentially down the drain while I'm there. 2) the play. I don't get that shit! Caryl Churchill, why you gotta be so crazy? 3) acting, duh. 4) various undefined unknowns. I'm sure they'll get clearer as time goes by. Someone suggested I not 'look it in the mouth too hard,' and I'm trying to follow that line of thinking. On paper, it should be amazing. So why am I so nervous?

Today, Rinnz and I are indulging in some craft & retail therapy before I go to work. This life of waking up late, easy work, and no ambition really wears on me.

I'm only SORT of kidding.


1 comment:

Erin Mallory said...

Um, and I was at Crocodile Lounge in Manhattan on Wednesday getting free pizza. How funny. :)