Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh sometimes theatre is so GOOD!

I just got back from August: Osage County and it was everything I wanted it to be and much, much more.

(And hey-- maybe I'll move to Chicago! Some day. We can't all be Kathryn Erbe or John Malkovich, I know; nonetheless, I think I'd give a finger to be a Steppenwolf member. Hyperbole? Let me check. Mmmm.....nope!)

Histrionics aside, the show was amazing. The script is behemoth and intricate and incredible--never slow, always engaging, full of twists that afterwards I thought 'But how didn't I see that?' but at the time never OCCURRED to me (and that's a good thing). The performances knocked my socks off. Deanna Dunagan is unbelievable. They're all unbelievable. It revved me up, and made me excited. I have to see more good theatre. It makes me remember why I am doing all of this. Sitting in my room? Doesn't remind me.

All I can say is: Eeeeeeh!

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