Sunday, May 4, 2008

Shall I not be on a pedestal?

At work today, coworker Michael furiously yelled: "All we do is love the theatre. We didn't do anything wrong!" The implied ending: "Why are we being punished?!" Why, indeed?!

I have a few videos posted on YouTube, and one of them is a tiny clip from the BRTC's production of the Crucible, from my sophomore year. I consider this to be one of the highlights of my high school theatre career, as I love the play, I loved my role (and I'll probably never get to play her again), and we had a fabulous cast of thousands. Not to mention the ongoing rivalry with Amdam HS, hey, Knudsen?! (Sidenote-- Drinking game for this clip: take a swig every time I fall on the floor. What? You're wasted? But this is only a minute thirty! EXACTLY.)

Anyway, from time to time, I get hilarious, negative comments on this video and the latest one, from yesterday, tickled me immensely:
"This blocking is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo bad its unreal...the only good actor i see is mary warren!"

And I'll take that all the way to the bank.

I actually worked today, which seems unbelievable, since I've been making a career out of sleeping in, staying out too late, and doing nothing lately. Even more than usual. But, hey! It's the lusty month of May, that lovely month where everyone goes blissfully astray! Tra la!

Forgive me. C-lot on le brain.

But I've been doing good stuff. "Wrangling" aforementioned, anonymous (sike) move star, who is funny, very funny and nice, very nice. And confused....very confused. Yesterday was a 3rd of May party at Julie, Michael and Nitzan's apartment that had dwindled down to Julie, Nick, and Craig by the time I finally got there. I ate many tacos and drank a fair amount of tequila, thanks to Julie's mad drinking-making skills. Even when wasted, she's a better host than I'll ever be. :P And in a wild, uncharacteristic stroke of profligacy, I took a cab home from there last night (Fort Greene) because the thought of waiting for the single-tracked G at Fulton, switching at Hoyt-Schermerhorn, and walking from Nassau was just plain demoralizing. A cab. Who am I?!

The night before, I stayed at Erin's....eating pizza, drinking beer, watching Wet Hot American Summer....having pillow fights, doing each other's nails, and teaching each other how to kiss came later. Siiiiiike.

And today, Erin and I, accompanied by a game Jimmy, ventured to Union Hall in the early evening for a ridiculous Yelp Elite event where we schmoozed with the co-founders and tried to get them to patronize our Etsy store. We'll see what happens. All I know is, I had free beers and "savory pastries," as Jimmy so eloquently put it, galore, and then it took me an hour to get home. I like being Yelp Elite. I get something for absolutely nothing. Always a good exchange.

This week, I am up to my gills with he-who-must-not-be-named (like how I'm making a thing out of this now? Yeah, I didn't think I could be any more affected EITHER)-- the show opens on Wednesday, runs through Saturday, and I work, stupidly, stupidly, I'm going to be so hungover, on Sunday morning workplace, where I work, which I also recently decided must not be named in this blog...because it's sheer stupidity to tempt fate, the intarweb, the Patriot Act, and my coworkers like that.

And hey! Watch the new AFN before anyone else on your block! (Don't you want to be cool?!)

Tra la!

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