Friday, June 6, 2008

your man in the electric city...

i'm at home, and it sure is nice.  as much as i don't want to live here, boy, is it fine to visit! sunlight, windows, no fourth-floor walkup, my beloved slinky by my side, all my records, a non-slanting floor.  grass! trees! the overgrown pool next door, mr. dugan and mr. ziskin at the high school...old letters in a box on my bookshelf to read and smile at.  food! ha! a seersucker bathrobe that i conned off my brother, a pasticiotti from the florentine in utica (wasn't i just talking about that?), lunch at peter pause with my grandparents, my mom and my cousin...a trip to PRICE CHOPPER!! reliable urchins on eastern avenue.  YES.  a sighting of the albino girls across the street and i will be set set set.  (ret-set-set?)

i have two guests at the house right now, two singers from RI.  they sat in the kitchen as my  mom and i hustled and bustled around making things.  read: i took up space, spilled flour on the counter, and broke measuring cups as my mom made a cake for me to take to the singing tomorrow.  actually, i WAS busy making jell-o to take to the brunch i'm going to on sunday-- which will be followed by the flag day parade.  what is the jell-o in the shape of this time? well, the united states of america, natch! it's creamsicle orange and is guar-an-TEED to be patriotically delicious.  (manhattan doesn't exist in it.) look for pictures later.

right now, marvin hamlisch records are beckoning to me and slinky is perched on the table beside my bed. cares, begone! worries, flee! i  guess that's the hope, at least. 

ah, schenec.

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