Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I dunno

Things I might have forgotten to talk about:

1) My play, We Things That Are Now (or 'WTTAN' for the BUSTAMFOP crowd) is getting a (having a? receiving a?) reading at La Mama in the early months of next year. I'll let you know more about it when I know more about it. Craig is going to direct it.

2) I just got cast in a play. Uh, sort of. I'm trying to stop talking down everything I do, because it's a terrible habit and I have the feeling that it makes me really boring to be around. So I'll just say: It's a play that some ladies wrote to celebrate the bicentennial of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. I play a handful of different characters in different scenes from the history of the church. The coolest thing is that I'm in one where I talk about Lowell Mason, who was the choirmaster or whatever for a while. He wrote/arranged a lot of familiar church tunes, most notable "Blest Be The Tie That Binds," which I actually sang this past Sunday. He also has a bunch of arrangement credits in the Sacred Harp.

3) Slinky Calhoun is on FIRE! People have started buying our shit. Which sounds ridiculous, but it's somehow true. Does anyone need a cross-stitched bangle? Anyone?

4) I know I didn't forget to talk about this, but; my apartment is like a funhouse right now. A really, really unfun funhouse with squirrels in the ceilings and dulcimers in unexpected places.

5) The New York City All-Day Singing is this weekend, kicking off with a singing school on Friday night at Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims, continuing with the all-day sing on Saturday from 9.30-3.30, and stampeding, hoarsely, into Sunday for the monthly sing at St. Bart's. If you're reading this and think you might want to come to any of those things, even if just for an hour or two, please tell me, because I'd love for you to come.

6) Related, this past Sunday, a bunch of singers acted as the choir for Plymouth Church sort of as a favor to them, sort of to say hello and thank them for letting us use their church for our singing. Here's us, after the service, dressed up. I like the shadow of the pointing finger on the column on the left side of the picture. (It belongs to a statue of Henry Ward Beecher.)

That's Greg, Inga and Sylvester, Diane, Violet, Anna, Justin, Nancy, Aldo, Sarah, Dean and Rachel, Anna and Ian, Ryan, and me! (Three Annas. Whaaaat?)


Unknown said...

Hey! I want a picture too! Even if Henry Ward B. is a bit severe with us. (Glad to have found your blog.)

Jesse said...

cool, to the first two--let me (us, your loyal readers) know when?

and d'oh to the sing because I have an all-weekend CLASS--four hours on Friday night, all day on Saturday and like noon to dinner on Sunday. Not like I had anything I wanted to try and celebrate this weekend or anything (stay tuned for birthday beer plans).