Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dark and Dreary.

अप्परेंत्ल्य, ई ऍम टैपिंग इन हिंदी।

That says "Apparently, I am typing in Hindi." I added some Hindi transliteration tool to my profile and it took over. Cool.

It's grey, grey, grey outside and still sort of humid. Gross. I'm watching The Today Show but other than that it could be like 6:00, I have no idea. (At night, I mean.)

Alright. So, I signed up for a free trial of Netflix. My parents get a free DVD added on to their plan or something if I get referred by them, so I did and I signed up. Also, my trial lasts for a month as opposed to the normal free trial which is for two weeks. The idea is that I'll cancel before it's over, but actually....can I afford nine dollars a month to watch movies? I think I can. First on the queue is The Twlight Zone, disc 1. And then The Purple Rose of Cairo. I can't wait.

I got an application for Trader Joe's yesterday. The guy who gave it to me was very friendly. It was SUPER busy when I went in and I was watching the workers zipping around, and I thought "Yeah, I could do this." The application was a little daunting- lots of talk of shifts at 5:00am and until 2:00am (I said I could do those. What am I, insane? No, I just want them to hire me.) Also, there was a ridiculous "Math Test." It didn't tell me to show my work. I didn't. Mr. Gill would NOT be proud.

I've already seen a few people on the Subway a few times, and get the feeling that they'll be those people that you (I) see regularly on the train. Interestingly enough, all three of them are guys who at at least one of the times I've seen them, have been dressed at least partially in women's clothing. Nice. And they weren't all together. I prefer drag queens/trans-whatever to hipsters any day, thank you!

I also saw, last night on the L, a really, really cute guy reading Timequake. Be still, my heart. I like to look at everyone and pretend that maybe we'll actually get to know each other some day. He had a notebook (a la J. Rich) and after a while wrote (yeah, I looked, what?): 'Like most things, it sort of depends on....' and then I exited the train. Ooooooooh.

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