Monday, October 29, 2007

Free man in the morning!

Someone just called Euro fomr a 518 area code, and I tried to chat them up, but they were calling for someone allegedly named Buffy, and I couldn't help them...didn't go as well as I hoped it would.

Well! What's new? This weekend was both eventful and lazy, which I guess is an ideal combination. I watched several movies, and I will now pretentiously rant about them.

A FACE IN THE CROWD- totally awesome movie where Andy Griffith plays a drifter who skyrockets to fame as a folky musician/public figure/all around mess. Elia Kazan directed it and it is CRAZY. Andy Griffith is amazing in it....his singing is off the hook. Yes. Off the hook. Justin just told me that in the last scene, where Andy Griffith's character is drunk and a mess, that he was really drunk-- Kazan kept feeding him liquor and "berating him" until he got crazy. Ugh!

MY BLUE HEAVEN- the first time I saw this movie was sophomore year, and a whole bunch of us were persuaded by Craig "Con Man" Mungavin to watch it instead of writing some paper that was due the next day. Of course we did, at remains a fond memory. The movie stood the test of time, too-and in some parts was even funnier than I remembered. Specifically....the dance number and Bill Irwin's dance solo. Jared has his phone number. All I'm gonna say.

I went to Katie Tynes' birthday/Halloween party. I dressed as Ed Wood. I had black pants, a white angora sweater, a beret, I made my hair look greasy and sort-of manly, and an eyeliner mustache/stubble. And lots of 'I am tired and world-weary' eye makeup. On the way home, I was waiting for the subway and there was a trio by me noshing on curly fries. They were punked out, though not for Halloween. The girl was ranting "I've seen so many stupid, slutty nurse! Slutty cop! Slutty waitress! Slutty whatever! I mean, what do we have over there? Slutty pseudo-Frenchman?" Looking at me. Always ready to fight, I said 'What?' She says: "Am I right? Frenchmen? Existentialism?" And I say, with my characteristic panache and wit....."I'm Ed Wood. I'm not Slutty Anything." Her drunk friend goes "What? Ed Wood? YEAHHHHH!" and high-fives me. Take THAT, bitch!

I drank too much, of course, and drunk-dialed Steven Fazio on the walk home. He called me back yesterday and left me a message. This is the highlight:
"It's three o'clock already. You're not THAT hungover. Get up, answer your phone. I'll make you pancakes. That is a LIE. But only because of logistics."

Yesterday, Aldo, Jesse, and I ventured to the pretty Montclair New Jersey to sing. Continuing the trend of me singing parts that I don't usually sing, I accompanied a newcomer on treble for all but a few songs. It was more fun than alto, because the parts made a lot more intuitive sense to me. Also because I was in a better mood. We took a bus to and from the Garden State, and the three of us sat in the back and were very, very silly the whole time. Good fun.

And now I'm at work. I'm tired, though I went to bed at like ten last night. I am sort of sick, which sucks....especially since I don't really understand my health care situation right now. Meaning, I don't really have insurance....I don't think? I don't know? Awesome.

Time to make the donuts.

1 comment:

liam said...

Why am I still linked to Bustamfop? Weird. Anyway, friends here like to take the "slutty -----" costume to an ironic level. My friend's sister was "all things slutty", meaning she piled on all these sexy costumes on top of each other to the point of ridiculousness, and two other friends are going as slutty Hermione and slutty female Harry Potter, with homosexual overtones... I joked about being slutty Dumbledore. But let's face it- all that spirit gum? No thanks.