Friday, October 26, 2007

Fuck these people. Some of them.

I'm sorry to be so crude, but...I am beginning, after a week of doing this, to understand what maybe a big problem about temping could potentially be for me. And that is-- that these people, or the majority of them, think what they are doing is SUPER IMPORTANT. And in one way, that's good- because it's their job and they should think that they're doing something important.  But when I get yelled at for transferring a call to some bigwig, unknowingly, and people say inhushed tones to me "You really have to  be careful-- he's the *CCO*. You really can't do that again" and look all reverent, I want to say "WHO GIVES A FUCK?"
Yesterday, a guy came to see someone. I called Mr. B, the person he was here to see. Mr. B snapped at me "You need to call my assistant." I did.
Today, the same guy came and again asked to see Mr. B. The same thing happened, althought this time the snap was meaner. 
I just want to ask him-- "Sir, what are you gaining by being mean to me?" Also, "What makes you so important that you can yell at me?" These people advertise sunscreen. Give me a fucking break.  Why do they think that any of this matters?
People also get mad when  they want me to swipe them into the offices and I won't do it. I. Am. Not. Allowed. To. Do. That. I say. Or, if they ask "Do you have a card?," right off the bat I just say 'No,  no, I do  not." And then they get pissed.
I think there's a simple soultion-- remember your ID. Aren't you a grownup?
Sad news today in the Ny Times-- Tom Murphy, a Irish actor who won a Tony for Beauty Queen of Leenane in 1998, died a week or two ago from Hodgkin's. He was only 39.  I remember very vividly watching him get his award. Such a shame.

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