Friday, November 30, 2007

Of course, I'm never updating this and letting it get totally out of my control. What did I expect?

I'll try to catch up.

The MUDasMAN show went up with almost nary a hitch, and I had a wonderful time. I am so grateful to have met such a funky, interesting, kind, smart, and TALENTED group of people. I really, really hope that I can maintain contact with them...I'd be lucky to work with any of them again. My mom made it to one of the performances of Square, which she liked. I could see her laughing from the booth. As for me, I'm NEVER running lights and/or sound again, unless I'm getting compensated in an amazing way. It's way too stressful. The last night was the best-- Jerzy sat in the booth with me during Lacy, and had his head down on the counter, in the manner of playwrights watching their own work. Then, Will joined me in the booth for Niles, and kept apologizing for being in my space, which he wasn't at all, but the added body in their really made things a million times more stressful....and hot. I almost lost my cool- and my mind- several times. I'm not built for that kind of work.

So, the Local One strikes has been resolved. I'm glad, I guess. I don't think the Grinch should have been forced to open. Though of course I don't know any of the legal ins and outs....I have only the information that my brain provides to my brain. This strike was short enough that it didn't shatter my impression of every strike being ripped straight out of a Clifford Odets play, though the WGA strike, if it continues much longer, will probably do just that. Speaking of which, look who's on look to the right of the huggers. Yes! It's CLAM! Making his mark on Hollywood.

I haven't been working at ALL lately. Therefore, I have been earning no money. I spend my time, instead, sleeping, going to yoga, going to lunch with my friends who are also not working, watching television and movies, and of course....drinking. I mean, come on. I had a very nice dinner with Thom the other night to talk about the work I'm supposed to be doing for him. Of course, because I am the queen of derailing conversations, it wound up being more about supernatural experiences and Freaks and Geeks than bands and scripts. But it was a lot of fun.

I saw my old boyfriend, Sondre, at the Bowery Ballroom and he was lovely and amazing, as usual. My heart broke over and over realizing anew that I probably will never realize my dream of marrying him...but I guess that's a heartbreak I can learn to live with. inside. Clean the apartment. Then, Meowskers. Good.

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