Monday, December 3, 2007


I left the house today and remembered that it is actually better to go outdoors than to sit at your desk/lay in your bed for over 24 hours.

The most exciting moment of the day, thus far, came during my visit to Sunrise Market on St Marks. I found, completely unexpectedly, my most favorite of all oddball delicacies- COFFEE JELL-O! You thought it didn't exist, right? That is, you thought it didn't exist anymore- not since the days of Jell-o molds at the BRTC softball games and Plymouth Rock brand mixes from the Niskayuna Co-op. But you were wrong! God, it's delicious. It's pre-made, not a mix. And, get this- each individual cup comes with....MILK! Insane. Amazing. I can't believe it. (I know that none of this means anything or makes sense unless you went to high school with me. Just trust that this is an incredible discovery.)

So, Jesse and Carrie have posted what I think is a really fun and cool way to share some of the music that they wrote over the summer on their tour of New York State. Check out this song map and listen to some tunes. (If you're gonna look, go to Schenectady (yellow dot) and listen to "Died, 1825," which is a really charming tune about a mock-funeral that Union College boys held on the opening day of the Erie Canal. I'm singing in the recording but I'm in no way audible. Just pretend you can hear me.)

I think I'm going to a free reading tonight of a new play at The Mint. What? Theatre? What I'm here to do? Yeah right! Didn't I move here to answer phones and watch tv?


Sometimes, I think of things I've done in the past, or places I've been, and wish HARD that I was doing that thing or in that place, instead of being where I am or doing what I'm doing at the moment. Right now, I'm thinking about the pond that Julie took us to in Maine this summer. The water was so unbelievably clear and warm, and I just swam for hours and hours. I wish I was doing that right the sun. Oh, how lovely.

1 comment:

Erin Mallory said...

The map for the songs is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Our Schenecta-pride is through the roof now.