Sunday, December 2, 2007

let it.

So, I set my alarm rather ambitiously for some time in the 9:30 range- who was I kidding?

Anyway, I had one of those wakeups from a movie at 8:15- my eyes snapped open, I sat bolt upright, and-- SNOW! It's snowing. It looks beautiful. I was mentally unprepared for this. (But I was sort of asking for it. I was reminiscing to myself yesterday about when there is snow on my birthday, and thinking 'Thanks, climate....leaves are still on trees for THIS b-day.' But maybe not.)

Of course the fact that it's snowing relieves me of all duties outside my apartment. I spent most of the day yesterday indoors, and it looks like today's heading there too. Station Agent and cross-stitch, anyone? Please.

Also! This is funny. These pictures came to my attention yesterday. Flashback! My favorite is the one of Slinky with Frankie's question attached-- what's he play? I also like the one of my arm with my tabs written on them....does it make me punk or just lazy that I never bothered actually learning the songs we played?

Elvis...get me through the cold days, buddy.

Edit: Speaking of botling awake, I forgot to relate the charming story of how I awoke at some weird time in the late night/early morning the other day to hear sexual SCREAMS coming from the apartment below me. They're notorious, but this time was beyond. In the words of Paul Simon: Remember- one man's ceiling is another man's floor. (And vice versa.)

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