Saturday, January 5, 2008

far from the 192 i love!


So my life has taken a turn for the better in that I seem to be working sort-of steadily at La MaMa.  Which is good. Though of course I resent having to work, especially on the weekend. Who do I think I am? I'm not sure what I think I'm entitled to or where that entitlement came from, but JESUS.  I think I actually just resent myself because if I work during the day, I will go out at night. But if I know I'm working at night, I seem to be prone to laying around in the daytime, feeling dread and reluctance in regards to the work I know I'll eventually have to be doing.

Anyway, fun things have been happening, too.  Apparently Time magazine is doing some sort of story on shape-note singing and a reporter came to our home sing on New Year's Eve.  Maybe I wrote about that before.  God knows, all I do is repeat myself. Loudly.  The Lower East Side sing was a bit of a zoo today-- the bartender forgot his keys or something so we couldn't get into the space for about 45 minutes.  And, of course, the turnout was massive compared to what it's been recently.  So to the horror of everyone on Ludlow street (well, just between Stanton and Rivington), we sang outside. And the reporter, David, was there, and so was a photographer. As much as I didn't want to....I was posing. A little. Oh, please. Please, Anna.  Evenutally we got inside and there were just SO many people and everyone was really in a great mood, pitching in to help set up, rig the lights, etc.  A nice feeling of camaraderie.  A lovely time, all-around. Really nice. 

In his despair over Aldo not being here for a week, Lucifer has taken to sleeping on my bed.  Which is pretty cute.  (Though of course....he's no Slinky.)

Story to Illustrate the Answer to the Question "Who Am I Becoming?", # 174:
Looking for a place to have coffee this morning, in my neighborhood, I heard myself reject a place with the following:
"No...they have sports on TV."

 I think that speaks for itself.

Pretentiotron....reporting for duty.

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