Sunday, January 13, 2008

Well HELLO, dolly!

Got the above from a homeless guy with a cellphone on First Ave. this morning.

In a sad piece of news, Maila Nurmi, otherwise known as Vampira, died a few days ago. She was 86. Here's a little article about it.

Yesterday turned out to be quite the eventful day. After my sluggish morning as a waste of space, I met up with Ariel and Erin in Union Square. We walked, at my request, over to Gramercy Park so I could press my face up to the bars and look at the statue of Edwin Booth. This was after telling Ariel I'd meet her "in front of the statue of George Washington," and having her respond "What statue of George Washington?" Statues were a minor theme of the day. From there, we all wandered over to Eisenberg's and enjoyed some unhealthy food, too much coffee, and the erratic service of our flashily-dressed, Eastern European waitress. She was very cute.

At work, I wasted hours of time and did some studying for my fire guard tests that I have to take tomorrow. I am secretly terrified that I am going to fail. When's the last time I took a multiple-choice test?! Oh god. We'll see.

Annnnnd then I met up with Katy, Molly, and a bunch of people I didn't know at the Hope Lounge, in Williamsburg, to belatedly celebrate Katy's birthday. It was nice to see people-- I hadn't seen Molly since before she went on tour. Came home, watched Extras, crashed. Woke up too late this morning....and now I'm at work. And later hopefully singing. And studying.


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