Saturday, February 2, 2008

ends and odds.

So, I don't know who left that anonymous comment a few posts ago, but I guess I appreciate it. Anonymity has its benefits. They actually read that entire quote from Cummings one day in yoga and I liked it then and I like it now.

And Jess-- my statement about the three sisters was more about me never jiving with their mantra of "We must work, we must work" than about the play itself. Though I'm not saying anything about that, either. :)

I did something kooky yesterday-- I played my TRUMPET. Yes, that dusty old thing. The only music I have is tabs from my Captain Destructo days, which I don't even remember how to read, and a book of "Americana" songs intended, I'm sure, for marching band. I serenaded Aldo and Lucifer with "Home on the Range" and "Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean." Aldo tried to accompany me on the fiddle. Nightmares for everyone.

Work is work. Easy. Uneventful.

I finally came up with a draft of The Civil Wargasm that I was semi-satisfied with and sent it to the busy bees Michael and Pat. We'll see what happens.

Michelle Williams released a statement about Heath Ledger and I read it at work yesterday and literally started to cry. You can't take me anyway.

LES singing today-- I'm in no hurry to get there. I'm a little sung out.

I guess that's all. For now.

Hum-drum de-dum.


Themistocles said...

Well, in that case...word. I'm working ten lousy hours a week this semester but I still can't make myself go apply for something silly and easy like Barnes and Noble. (I would be the best B&N children's section salesperson EVER. I even tried to convince people at the *library* to take more books home. Also I know who children's authors are, unlike every other B&N employee I've ever had to speak to. Basically it would be like that scene in You've Got Mail but without the crying.)

Jesse said...


Jesse said...

I forgot that google and blogger were linked now. Mikey was signed in on my computer (to email) and it signed me in here! So, this has all been me.