Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dios mio.

I'm in a little mood so I thought I'd remind myself of all the wonderful things I've been doing lately and hopefully, that way, feel a little better.

First, my cell phone came back to life. Frankenphone?

This weekend was fun. I did stupid things like shop and spend money (on ridic dresses and jeans that are too tight and such like....stuff I'll probably return but the point is that I bought it in the first place. I'm making progress.) Stayed up late late on Saturday then woke up (late) to go to a birthday brunch for Molly on the Upper West Side, accompanied by Julie, Michael, Craig, and one of Molls' roommates. It was really nice to see people, to eat frivolous food, to be out somewhere...nice. Then I killed two hours at the Columbus Ave flea market, trying on vintage frames and buying old postcards. (The guy next to me, unfortunately, bought up many of the ones I wanted...turns out he was from Troy and we had similar tastes. Bummer. AND he was unfriendly and didn't want to talk about the Capital District. Screw him.) After that it was to St. Bart's for a quick hour and a half of singing- the group was sparse but well-intentioned, and I tried my best to sing alto. It went better than it has in the past. And then I went to work!

Yesterday I futzed around, went to the Farmer's Market, ran into Jess and Mikey who were on a "domestic errand," then went to a free reading of three short plays written by JR Baitz, S. Ruhl, and L. Kron in honor of Earth Day. They were at NYU. I hate NYU. Craig met me there and we snickered at a man falling asleep in the front row and marvelled at how bad some actors are. (Am I a bitch? I don't care.) Then we got free coffee, sat in "Homeless Park (Lebewohl)" and listend to a guy wearing headphones rant about how his landlord "screwed him," then belatedly decided to get sushi. We did. I wanted to barf. Then we went back to my apartment, listened to Gershwin, read personal correspondences (not our own), drank beers, and reminisced about the good places people used to live in Boston. It was, after all, the most Bostonian of all holidays-- Patriots' Day! Or Marathon Monday.

[I feel somewhat better now. (The source of mood is the impending (so I think) ream-out I'm going to get from my boss. Maybe it won't happen. Maybe it will. I think it will. I don't feel like feeling bad today.)]

I'm reading 'Atonement' and I'm finding it really hard to get through. As I told Craig, I think 7 of the last 15 or so books I've read, and this is going back a ways, have been K. Vonnegut books, and I've gotten used to being able to blaze through them. So all of this detail, this incessant detail about the smell of the grass and the look of the sky and the feel of the silk and the quality of the light....it's beating me down. I was going to give up but I hate doing that, AND nothing had really happened yet (though I was 90 pages in) and I didn't want to put it down without having given it a really fair chance. Then this review exceprt on the first page caught my eye: "...with one of the most remarkable erotic scenes in modern fiction..." So I had to keep reading. Obviously.

I'm going to push on with that. Then hide under the counter to avoid the diatribe.


Jesse said...

1) That GWTW review you sent me, OMG.

2) Buying clothes is AMAZING. One entire paycheck to Old Navy? Pshh, whatever. I'm returning a few things but wound up with two pairs of capris, four "camp shirts" (read: button-front shirts that sort of come pre-wrinkled and roll up at the sleeves), five t-shirts, two miscellaneous long-sleeved shirts, and one top that I don't remember ordering that is shockingly cute and comfortable and versatile. (Until I tear it or spill something on it. Thank god it's black.) But I mean, for a girl who would go a whole school week wearing nothing but BRTC shirts and shapeless jeans...this is huge!

3) I hate NYU too (hmm, which reminds me, time to pay them thousands of dollars for one class--hope the glatt kosher folks like my suggestions!). Didn't realize the shows were by cool playwrights like that, though. Were the plays themselves interesting, even if the actors/audience left something to be desired?

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Erin Mallory said...

Psh, don't hate, y'all!