Thursday, April 17, 2008


I am without a cell phone. Again.

This time?  Let's just say I made a nice pot of cell phone soup today. Here's the recipe:

One cell phone
One bottle of water (make sure it has a leaky cap)
One bar of goat's-milk soap (bought at Bedford Cheese today)

Place all ingredients into rubber chicken-shaped purse.  Get on the B61 bus.  Sip your water right before you get off the bus, but make sure you don't close the cap tightly. Sit on the  bus, reading and gazing out the window and the beautiful day. Put water bottle back into your bag.

Shake it up a little bit.

Get off the bus in Fort Greene, by the Walt Whitman Projects. Notice the water dripping onto your foot. Plunge your hand into your chicken-shaped purse to find....cell phone soup! Yay! Tasty AND incommunicado!

So, yes. That's what's happening. After a fit of rage and then a fit of crying, I seem to be mostly over it. Ugh. When will I be a grownup?!

(Also, to my WAS an accident. At least I wasn't wasted this time, right? Eh.)

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