Thursday, May 15, 2008

Conversation Gems from the Past Few Days

Watching Law and Order: SVU--Benson and Stabler do what Erin feels is an inadequate assessment of the seemingly-innocent character played by Robin Williams:

Erin: COME ON. It's Robin Williams and this is 2008. This isn't 1997. He isn't JOLLY. Come ON.

Walking in Union Square with Craig the other day, I am accosted by a guy asking me if I'll be a hair model for him the next day at TIGI. We discuss my hair, Craig can't control himself:

Guy: So it'll just be a basic bob.
Anna: Great.
Guy: How do you usually wear your fringe? Are you growing it out?
Anna: It's just sort of long right now...I'd like it to be shor--
Craig: --she had it cut up to HERE once! *holds his hand above my ears*
Anna: Uh--
Craig:--he needs to KNOW!

After the guy left, I said "Craig, it isn't like a pre-existing medical condition. What does he care if my hair was short once?" He responded "Yeah, but you were acting like you were gonna lie about it! Your hair WAS really short! You looked like a boy!" With friends like these...

Walking to the subway yesterday, some particularly chatty construction guys:

(from a distance) Guy 1: Check out this one.
Guy 2: Yeah.
Guy 1: Miss, are those Bugle Boys you're wearing?
Anna: ......ha ha....?
Guy 1: You're supposed to say 'Yes, why yes they are.'
Guy 2: You're hot.

Via Gchat, I tell Clam something which provokes a response, the tone of which is muddled by pesky technology:

Liam: WOW
oops caps lock was on haha
imagine a toned down, sighing "wow" not an incredulous screaming one
like that may have looked

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