Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I am falling behind and I actually have things to record! BUt for now, I'll just tell you something that happened to me yesterday.

I came out of the subway and was on the NE corner of Bedford and N. 10th, and a construction guy sitting outside the corner store yelled the following at me:

"Are those real?! Fuckin' BEAUTIFUL!"

!!! What a ridiculous and hilarious thing to yell! Gordie's gf Grace happened to be coming out of Anna Maria pizza at that same moment, and she said "Anna! Why are you like this?" and made a goofy, jaw-hanging face. I told my friend Matt and his response was "I assume he wasn't talking about your knockoff designer shoes?"

Too good.


liam said...

I bet this is the only post in blogger history to be given the tag "insanity boobs". Tags like that are why I keep coming back for more!

Anna said...

HA! then it would be a shame to admit that that was pure accident.

Anna said...

also, i like the idea of harold clurman saying "INSANITY BOOBS."

Justin K. Rivers said...

those are the best kind of boobs