Friday, August 29, 2008

Give me all my garmonbozia.

I'm just getting so lazy! I made a list in a drafted post of all the things I've been doing that I wanted to write about. I'll try to do something with it now. Who knows how far I'll get before my faulpelz tendencies win?

beer garden- The lovely and amazing Miss Meghan Dalton came to town a few weeks ago with her new beau, Derek. I got to see her a few different times, and we managed to scrape together a last-minute trip to the beer garden. We all thought we'd call it an early night....but seven or nineteen pitchers later, I found myself drunk, snapping pictures of Athena on 30th Avenue, heading to Erin and Jimmy's to watch Mad Men. My love for Don Draper grows proportionally to my consumption of alcohol. I think that's only natural.

beach- Craig, Nitz and I decided we'd take advantage of the waning days of summer and go to the beach. We got in many fights about where we'd go; one ending in me yelling "I just don't want to talk to you anymore!" and hanging up on Craig. The fight stemmed from my refusal to take the LIRR when I can, theoretically, get to several beaches via the MTA, and via my already-paid-for monthly pass. I am very, very cheap. I don't know why he hasn't learned this yet. Anyway, I eventually got my way (what a brat) and we went to Riis Beach. It seemed lovely and all was well...until we tried swimming and emerged from the surf covered in........PIECES OF JELLYFISH. One of my comrades informs me that jellyfish can be eaten. I'd like someone to eat ALL of them so I never have to deal with them on a beach again. Despite this, the day was good.

work- I'm back at it. I'm complaining. But at least I'm slightly less broke. Slightly.

play in park- Nitz and Molly and I saw Common Thread do Under Milk Wood in the Prospect Park concert grove. I guess my point in recording this is to remind myself that I actually do stuff?

yelp parties galore- Two silly Yelp parties; one at The Gutter, where I wolfed a piece of pizza and didn't speak a word to anyone, and one at Barramundi where Erin and I chugged sangria and ate the hell out of some empanadas, empanadas. What would I do without Yelp and, as Emily says, the 'free booze parties?'

erin's birthday, karaoke- happened a long time ago, wow. Wait, I already wrote about that, and my spiritual awakening at the karaoke place. Bo-ring!

blue velvet in pool- They rescheduled Blue Velvet at McCarren and I went alone and it was great. There was a grizzled old biker cowboy next to me who looked like he probably used some of Dennis Hopper's moves in his halcyon days. He incessantly rolled cigarettes, chuckled knowingly, and drank from a paper bag.

no money- I guess I felt it necessary to remind myself of the fact that I have no money?

hipster bbq- Oh! I went to the end-of-summer hipster bbq at Hope Lounge bc my friend MAtt was working and there was the promise of freee food. That promise was happily fulfilled and I had a nice time eating delicious things, watching hipsters, wondering if it was my lack of tattoos or my clean hair that deterred people from talking to me. Or the neon sign flashing "SQUARE."

auditon for bob- I went to a big audition at the New York Film Academy and I knew the reader. I went to school with him. I didn't get anything from this audition. COINCIDENCE?! No, probably not.

crown heights- My friends moved there! To a nice place on Franklin Avenue. It's nice to know that Crown Heights isn't ALL fires in the mirror. Right? RIGHT? As I walked their the other day, a guy jovially inquired what I was doing with all that junk in my trunk. Good question, sir!

playa- Along the same lines, I got some good lines from a dude on the train the other day. He asked me if I got my smile from heaven or if I'd bought it at the store (duh, at Hot Topic, I replied....I WISH); he said he hoped there was someone special in my life and that they treated me like a queen; and best of all, he asked me if I was on that train often. Good!

penguin- AND, today, a creepy dude told me "The bus is waiting for you. The bus is waiting for you. And then he opened his umbrella in my face a la The Penguin.

jekyll and hyde- I went to Jekyll and Hyde the other night. I will let that speak for itself. No-- I can't let it rest at that. It. Was. Terrific.

LES- Sang in the LES on Saturday. Tons of new singers-- tons of YOUNG new singers. Things are looking up! But I can still hate that two of my best singing friends are moving away. And I do.

Ok done! See you in three months!

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