Sunday, October 12, 2008

More noise and fuss.

Something I don't talk about nearly as much as I could: how fucking shitty my apartment is, and how the building is falling down around me, and how angry this makes me. To give credit where it is nominally due, the 'landlord/super/asshole who comes into my apartment without warning, whenever the hell he wants' has fixed some things around here recently. Things that should have been fixed literally years ago.

I just got home to find that our door was playing one of its favorite games: The Don't Unlock Game, followed by a round of The Doorknob is Falling Off! That's the only way I can describe it. I cursed and muttered, kicked the door, finally FINALLY got it open after five minutes of fucking around...only to have the woman across the hall open the door and yell at me. YELL AT ME. IN POLISH. I said "Yeah, sorry, sorry, like you never make any noise" and then slammed my door. I'm really mature, I know, but JESUS CHRIST, YOUR DOG COMES INTO MY KITCHEN AND YOU SMOKE CIGARETTES ON THE STAIRS! Don't yell at me.

This is a rant, and rants get boring, so I'll stop her. Broken door. Irascible me. Hypocritical Polish neighbor. Sometimes I hate this place.

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