Wednesday, February 27, 2008

when they made you, how they made you.

I feel out of control of myself. This morning, I slept until 11:30, but before that, I kept waking up and seeing that it was getting late and berating myself (out loud, mind you) about staying in bed so late. Obviously there's something going on.

Last night I went to the Parkside Lounge to see Greg, Lauren, and Zeke play some old-time music. They were wonderful! I saw a few other friends, mostly singing friends, and had one of those surges of feeling that I sometimes get where I realize how happy I am to have all these talented, quirky, wonderful, kind friends. And that if singing is where I found them, that I'm very happy I found singing.

(Speaking of singing, the night before last was spent in an epic Karaoke Revolution: American Idol fest at Erin's apartment. I killed Tainted Love and Bohemian Rhapdsody...but let's just say that I didn't know Sweet Dreams nearly as well as I thought. And My Heart Will Go On is literally the worst song ever written.)

I also saw Andy last night, which is always nice. I went to his penthouse (I wish it was a joke) to pick up a suitcase he schlepped from Schenec for me. The trip from the LES to the Upper West Side is one I'm glad I don't have to make an any sort of regular basis. I finally met the infamous and elusive Chris, Andy's Sondheim-snob roommate. We didn't exactly see eye-to-eye on things, namely Borat and Johnny Depp....and Jane Krakowski and the WSS revival that is going to change my life and many, many other things. Andy and I drank beer, looked at pictures, and closed the night on a high note by watching the one and only surviving clip from the BRTC's Crucible that's on YouTube. Which is always good for some hysterical laughter.

Tonight, Erin and I are seeing Apollo Sunshine in Wburg. I haven't seen them since, I think, last September. They rarely play in NY because they're too busy living on a farm in Leverett. I love them.

Now, if only I can not feel so illogically sad!

I'm going to swim later and take a walk, I think. Hopefully that'll do something to work it out of my system. It's going on a three days, now, so I'm about ready to be done with it.

Oh, and I finished The World According to Garp. I loved it and now of course I want to see the movie. I am simultaneously horrified and fascinated by who plays Garp.

Psh. That's all.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

holy CRAP, I did not know that you had that clip online. It really is as insane as I remember. JESUS.

Also, I've been eating uncontrollably. I mean, when don't I. But anyway, today I googled the big speech from Heidi Chronicles that features the line "I think I'm too sad to exercise today" or something like that. One of my readings for a class (from Reviving Ophelia, that "why girls are broken" book from the mid-90s) mentions the Overeaters Anonymous saying of HALT: don't get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. When am I not at least two of those? ARGH. But, if you're looking for great junk food, Brach's Classic Jelly Bird Eggs (um, jelly beans. or candy beans, I guess) are amazing mostly because the pink ones taste like wonderful wonderful pink penicillin (the best part of my parents' smoking causing me to have a sinus infection every DAY when I was a kid and needing tons of medicine.) Mikey does not recall ever taking it but you MUST have...